Secured, Anonymous Web Forms
Does your company need a secured, totally anonymous online form
for employees or
customers to send you totally anonymous feedback, suggestions or tips?
We can provide you with a 256 bit (banking standard) SSL secured anonymous web
form custom made to suit your application that you link from your companies
website that allows your visitors, customers, employees or anyone the ability to
send you totally 100% anonymous comments or information.
Anonymous tips, ideas, suggestions or anything you desire. The online form is
filled out and when submitted are encrypted and sent through the re-mailer chain
directly to whatever e-mail address you specify totally anonymous with no chance
of being traced back to the one who submitted the information.
We can add your companies graphics or logos to the page and totally design it to
suit your personal needs. An annual or lifetime subscription is required to
utilize this service.
Some examples of subscribers that currently use this service. Cities, Airports,
Corporations, colleges and more!
Anonymity when it matters! Web Based Anonymous forms
Popular Services:
Click on the appropriate links below:.- Anonymous Remailer
- Anonymous SMS Texting
- Anonymous Blog Poster
- Disposable NYMs
- Anonymous VPN
Specialty Services
Additional Services for our Subscribers: